Bloomington Public 学校 and school districts across Minnesota are facing challenging fiscal environments due to a number of factors, including decreasing enrollment and the sunsetting of federal pandemic relief funds. BPS is facing a budget shortfall for the 2024-25 school year and the foreseeable future. 2月. 26, 2024, the 学校董事会 formally adopted an initial $4.400万年 budget adjustment for next school year as part of a multi-year 合理调整预算 (RSB) process. 除了这些调整, 大流行病救济损失(ESSER), Title I and Integration funds and projected enrollment declines result in significant financial impacts of $4.6300万年.
This process will include opportunities for community, staff, student and family feedback. Our goal is to minimize the impact on any one school, grade level or department.
Budget adjustments were approved by the 学校董事会 on 2月. 26, 2024. 按级别划分的数字如下:
- 小学:1美元.400万年
- 中学:0美元.9300万年
- 高中:1美元.100万年
- 教育服务中心:1美元.000万年
Additional financial impacts due to lost funding: $4.6300万年
- ESSER基金:2美元.6700万年
- 入学人数下降:1美元.000万年
- 标题1:0美元.6900万年
- 集成:0.2700万年
11月. 2023: Administration determines a need to reduce the 2024-25 budget by $400万年 to control spending and bring more alignment between revenue and expenditures.
11月. 16, 2023: Cabinet, principals and program leads are informed of the need to 合理的预算规模,并开始讨论节省成本的领域.
12月. 8, 2023: 负责人, Assistant 负责人 and Executive Director of Finance complete an internal draft 合理调整预算 (RSB) plan to determine the $400万年 in adjustments for the 2024-25 school year.
12月. 11, 2023: 学校董事会 receives a report about the need to right size the 2024-25 budget.
1月. 4, 2024: 2024-25 RSB draft plan is shared with the district leadership team.
1月. 5, 2024: RSB draft plan is shared with the Board Finance and Facilities committee.
1月. 8-9, 2024: School and district leaders present RSB plan and adjustment amounts by level with staff, 地区利益相关者委员会. This kicks off the RSB process to share information with stakeholder groups and gather feedback.
1月. 9, 2024: 区 message to all parents/caregivers and Inside Page newsletter to all staff includes RSB updates.
1月. 10, 2024: RSB webpage launched on the BPS website to provide the community with regular updates on the budgeting process, including a FAQs document for timely responses to questions.
1月. 10-12, 2024: The Winter issue of School Pages (community newsletter) arrives at Bloomington residences with the feature article detailing the budget shortfall for the 2024-25 school year.
1月. 11, 2024: Melbye Monthly 1月uary 2024 episode features superintendent message on right sizing the budget.
1月. 16, 2024: Inside Page newsletter to all staff includes the 1月uary Melbye Monthly featuring superintendent message on right sizing the budget.
1月. 2月19日. 12, 2024: Stakeholder group meetings on RSB for ideas and feedback. Stakeholders include parents/caregivers, staff, and students.
1月. 22: 校董会听取审计报告.
1月. 31, 2024: 学校董事会 and Cabinet will meet to continue right sizing the budget discussions, 包括按级别的具体调整.
2月. 6, 2024: 区 message to all parents/caregivers and Inside Page newsletter to all staff includes RSB updates.
2月. 12, 2024: 学校董事会 receives an update on the RSB plan including details of the adjustments being proposed at its study session.
2月. 26, 2024: 校董会正式采纳RSB最终计划. Adjustments to be included in the final 2024-25 operating budget, which is approved by June 30, 2024.
We find ourselves in this situation due to a number of factors including:
Our K-12 enrollment this year is down 122 students to 9,680. This is the lowest enrollment in years, resulting in a loss of approximately $1.300万的收入. BPS is not alone in this challenge as many state and metro area school districts are experiencing a loss of students, 这在很大程度上是由于大流行. With state funding largely distributed through per student formulas, this decline has significant compounding impacts on revenue.
国家资助仍然是一个因素, even after the historic funding approved by the Minnesota State Legislature during the 2023 session. 虽然这些投资值得赞赏, the funding primarily addressed shortages school districts have endured for years to cover increasing costs for special education and English learners programming. 另外, 教育法案包括了新的授权, programs and requirements with increased costs. Some of these are funded, others partially or temporarily funded, and several with no funding at all.
Federal pandemic relief funds are coming to an end next year. Before the pandemic, we made budget adjustments on an annual basis to balance the budget. This practice was put on hold when the pandemic hit in part because of the one-time federal pandemic relief funds. A portion of those funds in combination with our fund balance allowed us to pause budget adjustments for the past three years.
We encourage feedback, input and questions from families, community members, students and staff. 请 半岛体育.